Thursday, June 7, 2007

That's Lame

Somehow I didn't see this coming:

After only three days behind bars, Paris Hilton traded a 12-by-8-foot cell
for her 2,700-square-foot Hollywood Hills home when she was released early
Thursday because of an unspecified medical condition.

Hilton will be under home confinement, wearing an electronic monitoring
ankle bracelet, for the remaining 40 days of her sentence for violating
probation in a reckless driving case.

The excuse offered was a purported medical condition, which Andrew Sullivan labels "clinically privileged." Her stay was not pleasant. Franks and beans?! Wouldn't you be suicidal?

The city attorney wants her back in jail. And that might very well happen. The judge has ordered her back to court.

What Would Tyler Durden Do says "Everyone is Pissed."

Honestly, I can't believe any grown woman--and Paris is 26--couldn't hack 23 days in jail. Make that couldn't hack 3 days. Frankly, 3 weeks in solitary has some appeal--no work, no phone, you could catch up on some sleep, read a few good books...

Anyway, what I think really happened here is Paris spent a few days sobbing, wouldn't eat her prison issued hot dog or bologna sandwich, and gave the authorities just enough reason to get her and all of her papparazzi out of their hair. Not to mention the fact that with her back home she's no longer their ward; no small thing when you consider the Hilton family has the money to sue LA county into bolivian if Paris gets hurt.

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